by kishore
My Name is Emmbadi Kishore Kumar which counts to 7 and my day no:is 6. I find failure and defeated. Every opportunity goes in vain.
Kindly help me to alter this name so I find success by numerology.
Reply by Kannan M
Numerology is an offshoot of Vedas. In those days, ancient sages had mental scanning abilities and could say if a name is good or bad.
They did it by scanning of numerology calculations of the sound vibes.
I am not a saint but I do scan your names for good and bad vibes.
I do it not only in name numerology alphabets, name components, name numbers, but in the overall numerology of your names.
I approve a numerology name only if it passes the tests on my modern energy meter. There should be perfect numerology compatibility.
For example I can measure your name, compare it with your lovers and say if you have the much needed numerology love compatibility.
This I do by modern scientific measurements of good and bad vibes in your names by the Lecher Antenna using the science of bio energetics.
If you want me to design your numerology name, kindly apply through my web site from its contact us page and I shall do the needful.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.