Numerology For
Day Number 8


As per numerology, I was born on 17/01/1977. My Name is T S SREEDHARAN. I have got married 24-Feb-2007. My child was born 24-12-2007. I lost that child. It passed away on 09-01-2008.

What ever I earn is going down the drain.

I am not happy in both my personal and official life. If I change my name to T SB SRIDHARAN will it be correct? How is my numerology?

Reply by Numerologist Kannan M

Born with 8 & 6, you got married on a day of 6 & 8. No one should ever get married on days of 5, 7, or 8. That is why after marriage your life is full of more sorrows and struggles due to No. 8.

As such I analysed your new proposed name. It is not good. Dhar is highly negative. There is no compensation to balance the negative vibes in the overall name. The total vibes are also negative.

Even if your name is correct, it is unwise to correct your own name. You will be tossed with doubts. You will not know how to practice it, and make it a success.

You will not know the secrets of your lucky and unlucky numbers, gems, days, colors, and so many other things. You have no means to measure the vibes.

Ultimately, it will have a negative effect on your life.

Mere name change does not work wonders. It must be followed by cultivating the name, and your lucky numbers, and gems in the best way. And most of all, a new name is like a mantra initiation.

It must be given by a Sincere Guru and not by all and sundry. Therefore, I recommend that you approach me through the contact page in my web site for name correction.

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