Namealogy or Name Numerology
For Name Number 61

Kannan M

Name Number 61

Namealogy for Name No. 61 is highly interesting. At first sight you are alarmed about the number 7 in 61.

But if you observe it is a blessed 7 in the series of numbers that add to 7. Why? B'coz 61 is made of 6 & 1.

This works wonders to you even if you have an inferior name. What then if you have a prefect name?
Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Role of 6 in Name No. 61

The namealogy of 6 in Name Number 61 works wonders when it combines with No. 1. It makes you an attractive person. More often than not you are more handsome and more beautiful than most others.

You are most dynamic in your activities. You attract all kinds of persons around you. You possess a peculiar charm. People just admire you for your qualities of leadership and dynamism.

Role of 1 in Name No. 61

The namealogy or name numerology of No. 1 in Name No. 61 gives you more merits. It makes you a respected leader. People look up to you for your advice and instructions. They just love to help you and serve you.

You astonish others by your honesty. You are very outspoken. You are highly straight forward in your dealings. You hate to be dishonest and disloyal. You also expect others to be like you. This is your weakness.

Namealogy of No. 61
Role of No. 7

The namealogy or name numerology of 61 adds up to 7. This makes you an altruistic leader. You like to serve others. You don't expect any rewards for your favours. You love to sacrifice anything for others.

You exhibit all the Divine Traits of 7. You are a symbol of character and determination. You are ready to sacrifice your personal comforts for the public good. You live like a king among the monks or sages.

The Pitfalls of No. 61

The namealogy or name numerology of 61 has its pitfalls too. More often than not you are thrown away from your family. Though the public highly respect you, you do not command any respect from your wife and children.

In fact most of those born in Name No. 61 do not enjoy a good family life. If you are a man you make a poor husband. If you are a woman you make a poor wife. Your love is weak or wafer thin ever likely to break.

Life of Sacrifice

You love to live like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa. In fact you do not belong to your family. You live for the society and it's common good. You believe in simple living and high thinking. You shun ostentation.

You do not wear precious jewellery or expensive clothing. Even in habits of food you exhibit extreme simplicity. You are very truthful in your speech and activities. You don't allow even others to be unjust.

A Point to Ponder

However the 61 people suffer if they meet with 3, 8, or 9. Why? Because these numbers are inimical to 61. When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of 3, 8, or 9.

The 61 persons also suffer in life if they have defective names. 61 may be good but if your name contains evil vibes, you tend to lead a miserable life. You lose your dignity and respect. Poverty strikes at you from its roots.

In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for that business to make profits.

Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help, in the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names.

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Basic Concepts

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