Name Numerology of No. 4
Blessing Or A Curse?
by J.Nivaas
As per name numerology, my date of birth is 13-07-1987. I am born with Day number 4 and Life No. 9. My name is J. Nivaas. As you say I face a lot of problems in my life by talking too much. What Can I do?
Name Numerology of No. 4 makes me flip out with my tongue, I talk then and regret later. Though I know I am hundred percent right in my views, the onlookers take it as an offense. I talk first and repent later.
Mars by numerology of 9 has given me great courage. But when it joins Rahu in 4, I become uneasy. I am impolite to my elders. I refuse first and make amends later. I have lost all my friends and well wishers.
With this nature, I fail to satisfy any one in my job or business. I fail repeatedly every where. How can I change it? You are the master in name numerology. I thought you will be able to guide me in this matter.
My name is J. Nivaas. What is wrong with me, where, and how?
Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: I am pleased with your knowledge of numerology. I find that your name is not in good vibrations. Your initial J stands for Sun.
Therefore you are honest and outspoken. You do not know what is fear. Your main name Nivaas is in 17, which is 8. It represents Saturn. Saturn gives obstacles, and difficulties to any one and every one.
Saturn makes you flip out with your tongue, make sarcastic remarks, crack untimely jokes, and be tactless in your remarks. If you correct your name in a good and lucky vibration, you can solve the problem.
If you want, I shall correct your name scientifically in the best vibes as per numerology. I will also confirm its accuracy by astrology.
I also verify its luck by scientific measurements with the Lecher Antenna. For this you must apply through the contact form in this web site with all your details. You have to act on the expert advice you get.