by Raja R N
(Salem, TN, India)
My name numerology date of birth is 16.11.1960. It makes me 7&7. My name with initial was R.Raja = 7. I had a very tough childhood and adulthood but was lucky in education. I used to sign as raja only.
I got a break in 1991, went to gulf for employment. My income rose steadily but always I was underpaid. My employers gained enormously by my efforts but reward was never satisfactory.
Hence I consulted a numerologist who advised to change my name to Raja Rangasammi Naidu (= 2) and changed my signature to naidu r and asked me sign at 45 degrees ascending.
But till now, what I notice is that I never get my true share of benefits and always people around me use my efforts and money for their benefit but never thankful to me instead make troubles for me.
Reply by Kannan M
Your name is totally wrong as per name numerology, your signature is wrong, and your practice is defective. Just as a good name will make you lucky, it is also true that a bad name will make you very unlucky.
In this case, your present name makes you unlucky. Stop the practice immediately and seek name correction through our web site contact page.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.