by vasugi.r
I strongly believe in name numerology and I am a fan for your well written web site. I shall tell you my details.
My date of birth 30.04.1973. My name is Vasugi. R. My husband's name is L.Ravi. His date of birth is 31.07.1972. Our marriage date is 15.09.2005. Is this a lucky wedding date?
Now we are separated. When we shall come together? Tell me if there are any chances, please tell me. I am in sorrow.
Reply by Kannan M
your name Vasugi R is in 20 + 2 = 22 which is most unlucky. Your husband is born with 4 & 3. As his 4 is inimical to your 3, you can not live together, unless both of you have compatible and perfect names.
your marriage date is is not unlucky. It is good. Therefore, if you correct your personal name according to your husband's name numerology, you will be lucky to join him.
At present, your husband's name is in 4 which again is strongly against your numbers 2 & 2. Later if he likes it, we shall correct his name to match yours. Let us begin some where, from your name to start with. First change your name as per name numerology.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
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