by thrishna
According to name numerology, my birth day numbers are 6 & 9. you have said in your web site that it is a lucky combination. Does it match my name my name Thrishna Prem. M. I was born on 24.03.2007. Is my name lucky or what?
Reply by Kannan M
Your overall name number is 49 which is good for 6 and 9. But it is fraught with danger of a violent ending after a luxurious life.
Your first name is in 26 which is one of the worst unlucky numbers in numerology. Therefore, as long as you call yourself Thrishna, you can not have happiness and luck in your life.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that you correct your name .
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.