Name Numerology
For Number 7

by Narendra

My name numerology says that I have day number 7, life number 4, and name number 30. My Name is Narendra BC How this affects my life? Is a Name in 46 good for me? Can I change to Number 46?

Reply by Kannan M

No. 7 numerology will suit you if you are in a religious mutt, or an orphanage, or if you live the life of a God Man. If you want love, sex, and marital happiness, 7 will oppose it. If you want to be rich, 7 will oppose it. If you already have 7, correct your name at once.

You must not correct your name yourself. Knowledge of mere bookish numerology is too dangerous for name correction. Avoid self medications. It is bad. Approach an expert who knows astrology, name numerology, and bioenergetics and get it done for you.

The name Narendra, Dhirendra, and Birendra, are all unlucky names. There are two negative units. end + draw is equal to endra. Therefore, yur name is unlucky and you have to correct it. If you must have endra in your name, there must be other vibratory compensation to remove the bad luck. It is a highly professional job.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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For Number 7

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Feb 06, 2014
i hope it can be helpful to me NEW
by: murali mohan

my date of birth is 16/08/1973(as per educational records) weather it is correct or not I do not nknow.
my name is murali mohan, my parents were died in my child hood, iam in professional field, no problems in marital life, but i am facing unnecessary problems
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Feb 06, 2014
i hope it can be helpful to me NEW
by: murali mohan

my date of birth is 16/08/1973(as per educational records) weather it is correct or not I do not nknow.
my name is murali mohan, my parents were died in my child hood, iam in professional field, no problems in marital life, but i am facing unnecessary problems
need any changes in my name

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