Name Numerology For No.1
Success Eludes
As per name numerology, my date of birth is 24.06.1978. My birth location is
HAZARIBAGH(JHARKHAND). Birth time is afternoon 4 pm. I am of Makar Rashi. My kundli name is "Girdhari"
I come under no 1 (Sun). But I have faced many problems in life till now. My health was not good for few years. Now I got a good job as Software Engineer from 3+ years. But I am not able to perform very well.
Also I do not have very good communication skills. So how will I grow in my career. As no 1 suggests a good leader, will I be able to grow in career as a manager or more which requires good leadership skills.
Sometimes I also try to switch to Bank PO or It officer job. Because my home is in village area and I may be posted near to my home if I will work in a bank. I have one year in my age left to prepare for these exams.
So can you suggest should I continue my career as a Software engineer in a IT company or should I prepare for Bank PO or It officer exam? And if I should continue in It field, will my career path will grow to higher level?
Your name Girdhari is not correct as per name numerology. Gir and Dhar are negative vibes in your name. Gir means fall. Dhar means fear. This explains your lack of communication skills.
You have to correct your name if you want to progress in your life. For this kindly apply through the contact page.