by bhawana sharma
Kindly examine my name for its name numerology. My name is Bhawana Sharma. I am not married. When will I get married and how will be my life partner. Which number is lucky for me?
Reply by Kannan M
Bhawana is 3 or 21 and does not constitute a lucky name. It is downright unlucky because of the phonemics of wan in Bhawana.
With this name you can not aim to get a lucky husband and your marriage will also be unhappy.
You will get your lucky number only based on your new scientific and perfect name. For this as per name numerology and other sciences you have to apply for name correction.
The negative terminology of Wan in your name is self destructive. You should not have any ill meaning term or word inside any part
of your name. You should correct it by scientific name numerology methods described in this web site.
Your query on marriage does not come in name numerology unless you mention your boy friend's name and ask for the numerology compatibility.
As such when you will get married is a question under astrology. For this you have to apply in my site for astrology love match.
I can also answer you about how your love partner would be if you contact me through my astrology site. My personal advise will be do correct your name first.
And consult me with out fail when you get your marriage proposals about the boy whom you like. I shall examine his name and birth details as per name numerology and tell you if he is suitable to you or not.
You will avoid many pitfalls in your married life if you follow the numerology and astrology directions in your life with out fail at every step.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.