Name Numerology for
Neerabh Bhatnagar

by Neerabh

My name numerology birthdate is 8th February and I have faced a lot of punishments and failures in my life since my childhood..

Even now it continues everyday. I am a 2nd year engineering student and i don't get enough marks though I study very hard.

Reply by Kannan M

Well. In name numerology, your luck depends on your birthday numerology numbers. Your birthdate numerology of 8 gives you a lot of bad luck and difficulties.

You have taken this nice decision to avail my numerology advice.

The numerology number meanings for 8 is that it is ruled by planet Saturn. Saturn always punishes any one with childhood poverty, diseases, poor understanding, and poor education.

When you study numerology, put any one with 8 numerology with this numerology test. You will find that unless his or her name is perfect by numerology, astrology, and bio energetics, they will always suffer.

Therefore, I advise you to correct your name. Do it by applying in the contact us page of this most famous name numerology website.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Neerabh Bhatnagar

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Jul 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

Manmohan Singh,
Wiz khalifa,
Kid Cudi,
Tech N9Ne

& many more ..all are 8

Reply by Kannan M

MANMOHAN SINGH, 32 + 17 = 49
WIZ KHALIFA =14 + 21 =35
KID CUDI 7 + 14 = 21
TECH N9NE 17 + 24 =41

In this only one name comes in 8. He too will be lucky of Saturn in his horary chart is not afflicted and if it is exalted and represents good houses in this natal chart.

8 is not totally bad. But you must avoid it as far as possible. If you are born with 8 & 8 also I can make your life lucky by giving you a perfect name.

The power of name is more powerful than the power of your birth numbers. This is the basic concept of name numerology. That is why people fall in queue to change or correct their names.

I have got clients from over 178 countries. More than 50 percent of world population believe in name numerology. That is why it is so attractive and popular.

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