by Kim Fields
As per name numerology, I am the child of an 8 birthday. My name number is also 8. I have a life path of 5. But it doesn't seem to help.
My father had a bad childhood. His father abandon his mother. Hell, he doesn't know who his father is but we have a pretty good assumption. She told him at the age of 21 who he was.
He has a bad relationship with all the major women in his life except me. His mother abused him severally as a child on all levels of living and it seems even in her death she still has caused him problems.
His wife is an impulsive spend alcoholic. He has good ideas and has good foresight but his wife doesn't cooperate and is very selfish. She hoards possessions that are useless.
His family members drain him of all his energy and resources. He is very cantankerous and even grumpy individual. He often tells the truth but his delivery is so insulting or outrageous that people don't like him.
He has a tendency to talk too much and too loud. He tends to do things backwards.
Reply by Kannan M
Do not worry. If you want you to be lucky and successful, you have to go for name correction. Be bold and take it up and see the positive changes in your life.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
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