Name Numerology For
Hemant Barjatya

by Hemant Barjatya

My name numerology date of birth is 01.12.1977. So I am 1 & 1. I have the name Hemant Barjatya. But I am Still Unlucky. Since childhood what I could recall is strife and challenges even for simplest of things and work.

I have to work harder than others yet get lesser wages than them. I have to restart my life again and again. Always short on finance. Why the Numerology Meanings for 1 & 1 fail in my case?

Reply by Kannan M

Hemant differs in written and spoken pronunciations. It also differs in sound waves and differs widely in their vibes in the written form and the spoken form. It makes the name Hemant unlucky.

The surname also is not perfect. To keep unlucky surnames is old fashion and it is not practical. If it kills your peace of mind then you have to wipe it out from your name and go for a new second name which posh, crisp, modern, and lucky.

The word BAR in Barjatrya is defective in phonology. It also affects your character and personality and thinking. This defect also makes your name unlucky.

HEMANT is 23. BARJATYA is 13. The total is 36. The name number may be okay as per traditional numerology, but it is defective in vibrations and stellar numerology which is confirmed by astrology numerology studies in horary astrology.

That is why you are unlucky though you have 1 & 1 in your name numerology. If you want to be lucky at least hereafter, you must make your name 100% perfect with birthdate numerology compatibility. For this you have to correct your name.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

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Hemant Barjatya

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