by anonymous
My name numerology details are here. My date of birth is 26 and my life no. is 9. I am No. 8 and was born on a Saturday. My first name adds to 20 and surname to 32, making me a number 7 {20+30 = 52}.
I am also married to a number 8 whose name also adds to no. 8 {53}. I caught my husband cheating on me and am not sure whether he is clean now. Can you please help?
Reply by Kannan M
The defect is in both your names. Your name in 7 causes unhappiness in marriage. It drives your husband away and makes him look else where.
The 8 & 8 persons are hardly virtuous. Even if pure, they secretly want to commit crimes, adultery, and enjoy extra sex. You have to correct his name to change his quality.
To know if he cheats you or not you have to apply with an astrology question by giving me a number between 1 and 249.
The fee shall be Rs. 3500/- or USD 70.
If you want that you write to me through the contact page and I shall send you the modes of payment. You also write there if you want to become lucky and overcome 7 and 8 by correcting your names.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.