by Gopi Nath Sivasubramaniam
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
My name is Gopi Nath, and my birthdate is 6/4/1975 born 6.10 am Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I always include my father's initial when I write my name as S. Gopi Nath or Gopi Nath Sivasubramaniam.
I find that even though I am in a fairly high position, I do not seem to reap the benefits from this position. I am always getting by instead of saving money, I seem to have lots of bills to pay, despite my best methods to minimise them.
I wonder if my nameology or name numerology has something to do from achieving successes.
Reply by Kannan M
Your first two names end up in a defective total which prevents success in financial matters. It will also cause failures in love, marriage, separation, divorce and things like that.
Therefore it is better for you to correct your name now itself before it is too late.
You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in your particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.
The Big Difference
Other numerologists give names by blind belief by out dated bookish numerology. It is quite useless for you.
But we design our names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.
Hence you get sure luck and prosperity when you come to us.
S Gopi Nath