I glean through this name numerology site with great interest. I want to discuss my details with you in this submission.
My name is Valarmathi Rengarajan. I was born on 14-12-1950. My day number is 5 and life number is also 5. Rangarajan is my husband's name. He was born on 17-10-1950. He has 8 & 6.
I always find that my life is both lucky and unlucky. I had a very bitter childhood. I was the only daughter to my parents. I had 4 brothers. When I was young I used to do all the household work.
I wasn't provided with proper dresses. My father gave education to my brothers, even though I was school first in SSLC, I wasn't able to continue my studies. Look at my name numerology of 5 & 5.
Their case was just the opposite in my in-law's house. My hubby had 4 sisters and one brother. All were well educated (3 doctors and 1 lawyer), brother-in-law (Software Engineer).
My hubby did only B. sc Maths, but he was placed in Railways. Note his name numerology for 8 & 6. He gave all money to his sisters. He is now retired. But insults came for not having our own house.
I am blessed with 3 daughters. Till they grew up I got so many insults from relatives ill treating all three girls. In spite of this, my daughters all became software engineers. These kids got us loan and we bought a house. The loan however was paid by my hubby.
I want to do business. I have this inferiority complex that I'm not working like my sis-in-laws. But still I don't know how to start a business and whether it will be successful if I run a restaurant. Can you advise me as per name numerology what business I can do well?
Reply by Kannan M
Valarmathi is in 28 which is a regressive number. It prevents progress. It proves that a bad name can spoil the efficacy of a good birth date numerology numbers like 5 & 5. Your story illustrates and reinforces the concepts of name numerology outlined in this web site.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.