Name Numerology For 5 & 1
For Mahesh N Sanil
As per name numerology, my numerology name is Mahesh N Sanil. I was born in mumbai on 23/12/1964 8.46 am. I have 5 & 1. I have done my graduation and engineering in B. Tech, Export Management, Systems Management, MBA in Marketing, and Human Resource Management. I work in a senior position, but I am still not happy.
My name numerology likes changes. I want to change to a better job. This is not a good position and no more chances of promotion exist. So looking out for better opportunities. Will I be successful or should i start my own business? Not yet married. I am happy without being married and I travel a lot all over the world.
I am very particular and fast in my work and I like to learn new things. This agrees with what you say for 5 & 1 in your site on name numerology. I have a house for which I have a loan. Do you advice me to change the current job or should I continue in the same? I am very popular and I know very big personalities. I have lots of friends.
My name numerology does not allow me to rest without my work finished. I am a pure vegetarian with no bad habits as yet by the grace of God and I believe a lot in prayers. I pray meticulously every day. I pray for more than 1 hour. I recite different mantras in front of God after bath and burning the lamp.
I use the holy beads for may be more than one decade. My name numerology has given me a lot of friends. But I am a spend thrift to maintain them. I like always to be the boss. I am but kind to everyone who requires help. I love my parents a lot especially mom, sister, and brother who all are married and have kids.
They are younger than me. I care a lot for others. I don't know whose habit I have got. I mean I want to help. My name numerology makes me a dreamer always and I feel that if someone can do this, why cant I do. I try to learn, learn, and learn new things.
I believe in honesty a lot. But sometimes I have situations about which I don't complain, but I have not been a part of misdeed. Through out my life I have seen every thing. My name Numerology makes me get over everything with ease.
But I simply get flared up for petty things. I can write, and write, and write. This site on name numerology is very very interesting. I would like to meet you in person one day and God bless you for all your ventures. And your prediction always comes perfect anyway.