by Nimmi
I need to check about my name numerology. My name is Nimmi and I was born on 11 -01- 1983. Is my name ok as per my name numerology?
NIMMI is in 15. you are born with 2 & 6. It may be right as per bookish numerology. But it may fail badly when tested with astrology and bioenergetics.
You must not calculate if your name is lucky just by looking at your first name. There are other factors. Your initials and surnames do matter.
As per name numerology, your name should be perfect as per astrology, numerology, bioenergetics, phonology, and other criteria. Therefore, I advice you to apply for name correction through the contact page in this web site.
As per name numerology, I'm born on 11th November 1982. My name number is 8. I have 75% Moon characteristics and 25% Saturn characteristics. I've benefited only by 7 born people.
I don't have any of the Venus characteristics you've mentioned in this site. i feel 7 is more luckier to me than number 6.
You are born with 2 and 6. If 2 is more powerful in your birth day astrology than Venus, it is natural that you get more of the Moon in your personality. I have clearly said that 7 will be lucky for 2.
Therefore, there is no surprise that 7 persons benefit you. But it is not correct to have your name in number 8. This can lead to sudden bad luck and accidents.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
by sudhendra c
I need your opinion on name numerology, if I have to change my name. I am Sudhendra Casturi. I was born on 02-11-1982. My name was Sudheendra which got changed in my SSC to Sudhendra. Does this make any difference because I am using the new one.
Reply by Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology
You have got very good numerology numbers in 2 & 6. But both your old name and the new name have a lot of negative vibrations. Both the names are highly unlucky. You have to correct your name.
by Veira
(KL Malaysia)
My Name is Veira Fauzi Alagan. My Date of Birth is 11 – 03- 1975. I am a 2 & 9. As you could tell. I am not married and can’t even keep money.
I changed my name to Veira recently. It adds up to 6. But my father’s name is Fauzi Alagan. Will this affect in any way?
Reply by Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology
As per principles of numerology, 2&4, 3&6, 7&9 and 2&9 are self destructive combinations. When you have 2 & 9 you will do actions which will cause your own downfall. Therefore, this defect is to be corrected by a perfect name because a name is more powerful than your birthday numbers
Date of Birth- 11- 03- 1975
65121 = 15
65121 81671 131315
15 23 14 = 52.
Yes. Your dad's name affects your strength. Your overall name comes in 52 or 7 which will give you an unsatisfactory sex life and dissatisfied married life. Therefore you have to Correct your name if you really want to be healthy, wealthy, and successful.