Name Numerology Facts
About 5 & 6
by n r bora
Is it true that people with name numerology of 5 will do better in business? And people with name in 6 will do better in fields of media, creativity?
Reply by Kannan M
Like you said 5 will do very well in business. And those with 6 too will shine equally well or even better. The 6 name numerology people will get much better support by way of staff, co workers, and assistants.
The people with 5 name numerology will come out of any defeat quickly and seek new avenues to succeed. And succeed they will. The 6 persons will not have that resilience.
Like you said the 6 people will be more interested in fine arts, music, dancing, movies, acting, and large scale business.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.