Name Numerology Facts
About 5 & 6

by n r bora

Is it true that people with name numerology of 5 will do better in business? And people with name in 6 will do better in fields of media, creativity?

Reply by Kannan M

Like you said 5 will do very well in business. And those with 6 too will shine equally well or even better. The 6 name numerology people will get much better support by way of staff, co workers, and assistants.

The people with 5 name numerology will come out of any defeat quickly and seek new avenues to succeed. And succeed they will. The 6 persons will not have that resilience.

Like you said the 6 people will be more interested in fine arts, music, dancing, movies, acting, and large scale business.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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About 5 & 6

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Mar 02, 2011
Lucky planets in astrology?
by: N R Bora

By lucky planets in astrology you do you mean to say the janampatri/ kundli? If so then if saturn is exalted in one's horoscope then one cannot be named in series of 8 isn't it.

Reply by Kannan M

Saturn may be exalted but it need not be a benefic to you. If it is posited in the star zone and sub zone of Sun and Moon, Saturn will give you only the evil results of Sun and Moon.

Only if these Sun and Moon do not refer to any evil houses like 6, 8, or 12, you can have your name in Saturn. Then it will be lucky for you.

However, the birth kundli or birth astrology chart can be wrong due to defective entry of birth time. Therefore, before passing the judgment, you must verify if the birth time is correct by checking with the ruling planets at the time of judgment.

In addition, you have to confirm by horary astrology with a number from 1 to 249, if it is lucky to have your name in Saturn. If all these tests get pass marks, then only you can have your name in Saturn or 8.

This is how I modify my name calculations. This is all new to most of us. This is modern scientific name numerology.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

Mar 02, 2011
Better is 6 or 5 for 8 borns.
by: Anonymous

So don't you think that putting a person with life path 8 or born on 8 be put on a number 6 name instead of 5. Since they get assistance from their colleagues but names with 5 do not.

Reply by Kannan M

The main theme of my site is that you can not get success from traditional numerology based on numbers alone. A name has a number.

If it matches with your lucky planets in your astrology is one aspect. It should. Or else, the name will fail.

It should match and be in harmony with your body and mind vibrations. If not the name will fail. Instead of giving a name as per numbers which can fail, I ensure that I do these additional checks to confirm if it is really lucky to you.

This is the core concept of this site and mere number based numerology is just meaningless any more.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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