Name Numerology
2 & 9 Not lucky?
by Deepti
I am Deepti E. As per name numerology, I was born on 2nd Jan, 1973 where my birth number is 2 and destiny number is 5. If you look at my name number (full name, Deepti E), the same is 32. My calling name is Deepti and name number for Deepti is 27 = 9.
This name was always proven as lucky name for me. I have good progress in my career and even in my personal life. I have very good respect in my family as well as friend circles.
I really do not know why 9 name number (27) is proven lucky to me whereas my birth number is 2.
1. Is it because of my destiny number or Life Number, 5, which is compatible with 9?
2. Is it because of having lucky name for both my first name (27 name number) and full name (32 name number)?
I really do not know why 9 name number is suitable for me although my birth number is 2.
Does Name Number really matter when planet position in one's horoscope is powerfully placed?
I shall be Grateful if you could explain.
Reply By Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology
The mutual affinity of 2 & 7 in 27 makes the number 27 some what friendly to 9. The Life Number 5 also helps in making you lucky as your official name is in 32. But even now you are not 100% lucky.
You will be far more lucky if you had designed your name as per name numerology, bioenergetics, and astrology. Name Number does reduce your luck if it is inferior or weak or harmful.
When I design names I decide your planetary positions both by your birth chart and by a horary astrology chart based on a number given by you between 1 and 249. I design your name number in your most lucky planet's vibration and ensure other confirmations.
I design names suited to your body/mind/soul vibrations and verify it by Lecher Antenna Measurements and by astrology calculations. Like this I thoroughly ensure your chances of better luck.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.