Name Numerology
2 & 9 Not lucky?

by Deepti

I am Deepti E. As per name numerology, I was born on 2nd Jan, 1973 where my birth number is 2 and destiny number is 5. If you look at my name number (full name, Deepti E), the same is 32. My calling name is Deepti and name number for Deepti is 27 = 9.

This name was always proven as lucky name for me. I have good progress in my career and even in my personal life. I have very good respect in my family as well as friend circles.

I really do not know why 9 name number (27) is proven lucky to me whereas my birth number is 2.

1. Is it because of my destiny number or Life Number, 5, which is compatible with 9?

2. Is it because of having lucky name for both my first name (27 name number) and full name (32 name number)?

I really do not know why 9 name number is suitable for me although my birth number is 2.

Does Name Number really matter when planet position in one's horoscope is powerfully placed?

I shall be Grateful if you could explain.

Reply By Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology

The mutual affinity of 2 & 7 in 27 makes the number 27 some what friendly to 9. The Life Number 5 also helps in making you lucky as your official name is in 32. But even now you are not 100% lucky.

You will be far more lucky if you had designed your name as per name numerology, bioenergetics, and astrology. Name Number does reduce your luck if it is inferior or weak or harmful.

When I design names I decide your planetary positions both by your birth chart and by a horary astrology chart based on a number given by you between 1 and 249. I design your name number in your most lucky planet's vibration and ensure other confirmations.

I design names suited to your body/mind/soul vibrations and verify it by Lecher Antenna Measurements and by astrology calculations. Like this I thoroughly ensure your chances of better luck.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.

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2 & 9 Not lucky?

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Sep 17, 2014
Is my Name lucky for me NEW
by: Anonymous

MY Date of Birth : 12/01/1979
My Name : GNANESH KUMAR B.G Which adds up to become 47, I read from this Name that 47 is not a good name number.
If I have only GNANESH (which adds up to become 27) as my Name will it be Lucky name for me.
Can I have any other Lucky names for my Date of Birth.

Nov 07, 2013
Is my name lucky for me NEW
by: Ranjay Raj Kapoor

My date of birth is 13/02/1990 and my name is Ranjay Raj Kapoor. Is my name lucky for me.

Oct 16, 2012
should 36 be counted as 9 NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear sir if my name spells in 36 n I have 3 as birth no and 7 as life path does the above thesis apply to me as well.the first component of my name is 23 n second is in 13.please guide.

Oct 16, 2012
should 36 be counted as 9 NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear sir if my name spells in 36 n I have 3 as birth no and 7 as life path does the above thesis apply to me as well.the first component of my name is 23 n second is in 13.please guide.

Apr 19, 2011
by: Siddhartha

This is Siddhartha. My dob is 7-3-1982. My name is U.SIDDHARTHA. My name no. is in 36. I studied all numerology nos. and am very thankful to you sir, because i learnt so much from your most famous and the best numerology web site. But sir,you didn't mentioned about 9 series nos. Can i know the reason sir.

Reply by Kannan M

Thanks for your compliments. You are born with 7 & 3. You have the name of Lord Buddha and I find it to be very unlucky as per name numerology.

Why? U is 6. siddha is 18 and rtha is 12 and your name really is made of 6 and 30. To have your first name in 30 is unlucky for you as it will only accentuate the effects of 7 numerology.

It will make you lead a simple, frugal, abstemious, stingy, economical life even though you become rich. Only others will enjoy your riches.

Or you will spend your life a a mendicant, vagabond, or religious recluse living an unhonored and unsung life.

Or you will become a religious head and live for only others. Hence I will not call your name as lucky. It is a holy name filled with a lot of holes because of the 9 in front in 36 as your numerology name number which is inimical to your 7. It will ruin your life as per name numerology.

Now as my numerology web site is most famous on the internet, I have clients from over 158 countries and every day I get hundred of enquiries. That is why I can only share my thoughts with you in pages like this and am not able to write new pages.

I assure you that I shall write about 7, 8, and 9 soon enough more to quench your numerology appetite or thirst for name numerology.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

Jun 16, 2010
27 lucky or unlucky for 2 ?
by: Jiwa

I have been following your best numerology web site for a few years now. I recently read your book and began to implement some of the changes. I am confused over information you have listed for 2. You mention under Train Your Lucky Days that "You have your luckiest date in 27th, of every month."

However under unlucky days, you write "Therefore, 8th, 17th, and 26th, and 9th, 18th, and 27th. will be unlucky for you."

I appreciate if you could clarify this matter.

Reply by Kannan M

27 will be lucky for your ordinary matters in daily life. It is is unlucky if you marry a partner with the name number in 27.

This is the numerology secret contained in that statement. I shall make it more explicit when I edit the page and revise it again for you.

Like this there are so many intricate details which a casual reader can not scrutinize by himself. that is why you have take professional help from a person from me when you want a name for you or for your child.

As I told, self numerology correction is nothing but numerology suicide. Never do it for you or for your son or wife or your company but take professional help.

I do not have to write all these subtle secrets as I have clients from over 158 countries and numerology fans from all over the world write hundreds of emails to me for follow up after personal name correction.

That is the reason I do not have the time to write new pages on name numerology. However, thanks for pointing out a confusion and I shall try to write more in future to clarify your valid doubts.

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