by suresh chander
(Bangalore, Karnataka. India)
As per name numerology, my name is SURESH CHANDER which has name number 8.
My date of birth is 26-09-1955. It has 8 as Day Number. My Life Number adds to 1.
I am afflicted surprisingly by almost all the negative aspects which the author has predicted.
My married life is totally in shambles. My first marriage broke after 10 years! My second marriage is also breaking!
Although I have been financially secure through out my life I cant call it extraordinary because the beneficiaries were invariably all my near and dear ones and my friends.
I have chronic stomach and back problems!
I think the author is bang on target with such clear predictions! Thanks a lot at least now I can correct the course of last lap of my life.
I am going to change my name which will end up with 5 as the name number which is compatible.
Comments By Author Kannan M: Yes. That is a Good idea.
Comments for My Experience In Name