Life Path Numerology 
For Name Number 68

Kannan M

Name Number 68

Life Path Numerology for 68 afflicts you with sufferings. If your Name is in 68, you will face a lot of failures.

If your Business Name is in 68, you end up with loss or bankruptcy. Only a Powerful Name can protect You.

Number 68 is powerfully influenced by three numerology numbers 6, 8, & 5. You get 5 when you add 6 & 8.
Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Qualities Of No. 68

Therefore, you are ruled by Venus in Number 6. Your life is influenced by Saturn in Number 8, and your over all life is guided by Mercury in No. 5. Venus gives you plus points, but Saturn gives you bad luck and failures.

Mercury mediates between these two conflicting influences. As such your life is tossed about with pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrows, with trials and tribulations. Your only option lies in a scientific Name Correction.

No. 68 For Business

Your life path numerology is afflicted with failures, when you design your business name in 68. It cheats you with some initial success, but later on disappoints you with many failures. How can you save it from happening?

Whenever you design your business letter format, devote some attention to your business name. Always check it from an expert whether the name is flawless and correct as per numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.

Life Path Numerology
Influence Of Saturn

Saturn by Number 8 can afflict your life path numerology with labor strike, union upheavals, income tax raids, and unexpected accidents. Thefts and accidents are not uncommon in business ventures connected with No. 68.

The solution lies in your business letter format. Design your name by an expert numerologist who knows the science of vibrations and who can measure these vibrations in alphabets, numbers, names, and your logos.

Influence Of Venus

Venus in No. 6 from 68 makes your life path numerology over romantic to make you forget business. Like Nero who was playing the flute when his city was engulfed in fire. You indulge in too much sex and invite troubles.

Once again the solution lies in your business letter format. Or in your business name. You have to name it fitting with your goods and your trade. You have to style it with a charming name that attracts clients.

Influence Of Mercury

Mercury in No. 5 comes to help you like the surgeon who treats you after an accident. He tries to save you with new ideas to solve any crisis. But Saturn in No. 8 makes you change plans too often detracting your focus.

If only you apply your mind when you plan your business, you will know the importance of your business name. The name in your business letter format is the driving force to attract many more clients for your business.

Useful Business Tips

The following links on business numerology contain invaluable business tips for your success. You will find original info not available else where on the internet. We are sure that you will derive great benefits from this exercise.

Choose Your Business As per Numerology

Useful Business Tips

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Name No. 77 For Business

Successful Business Names

Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help, in the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names.

We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky NumbersLucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

Basic Concepts

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