Is This Number Lucky As Per
Name Numerology?

by Hemalatha
(skudai, johor, malaysia)

According to name numerology calculations, my son's name number is 54. His name is Sarvesh Krishnarao. Born on 27.2.2005. Both his birth and destiny numbers are 9. Just want to know if his name number 54 is appropriate for him since I'm unsure about it.

Reply by Kannan M

Sarvesh Krishnarao is an evil name as the second name comes in 29. It will make him terribly unlucky. Better for you and for him to correct his name as soon as possible.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Name Numerology?

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Apr 16, 2018
Lucky name or not NEW
by: Sarvesh

Sarvesh name is lucky to by boy or not ... Is birth date is 1 feb 2018... Is this name is lucky for him

May 08, 2011
a query
by: Anonymous

My daughter's name is Saloni Jain. As per name numerology, her birth date is 11.09.1992. Her name number : 5. Life number also is 5.
Please tell if it good enough for her success.

Reply by Kannan M

Proper name numerology calculations should always be done in relation to any one's horoscope, horary astrology, and if the name suits his or her mind body vibrations.

In your daughter's case, her name fails in these additional numerology aspects. You have to seek an expert advice by writing her details though the contact page in this web site on name numerology.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

Apr 23, 2011
Please suggest my lucky no. as per my date of birth 02-06-1982 what are the lucky numbers and is there any need to change my name please sir
by: V.Ramakrishnamraju

Please suggest for my name numerology my lucky no. as per my date of birth 02-06-1982. What are the lucky numbers and is there any need to change my numerology name?

Reply by Kannan M

You are born with 2 and 1 numerology. For you any name in 9 will not suit. You can not do any business with 9 or marry a girl with 9 in her name or numerology birth date numbers.

Your name numerology must be studied with reference to your other factors like your bio energetics, name vibrations, internal enmity between your numerology name components and numerology numbers.

Kindly seek the correct expert advice for these expert numerology calculations by applying through the contact page. It takes time and hard work to calculate these details.

And know that you can not suggest a good lucky number for any one with out he or she first having a correct numerology name.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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