Effect of Numerology
Name Corrections
by Delnaaz tabat
According to my name numerology details I am born on 30/6/1988. My name is Delnazz Tabat. I am Parsi. My name totals to 26+12=38. My life path is 8 and birth date is 5.
I am having severe psychiatric issues which has led me to take leave from work from the last 14 months.
I have been diagnosed with a severe mood disorder and have been put on medication. I also had great difficulty to get along with my colleagues.
A fellow friend of mine who reads numerology referred me to this website and said that I need to change my name in series of 5.
Is it really so? Can a name change solve my issues with depression, mood swings, bullying?
Being a Parsi will Vedic numerology work over me?
Currently for the time being my friend has referred my name to Delnaz Tabat (37). I am not sure of its effect but at least I am able to sleep peacefully from past 2 months. Please guide?
Reply by Kannan M
Even Delnaz Tabat is defective but it is slightly better than the previous name. You need professional assistance to get a perfect name as per name numerology which can correct your illness and mental abilities.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.