Don't Play With Divine Names
To Suit Name Numerology

by Jayalekshmi

My name is Jayalekshmi S and as per name numerology, My date of birth is 05/05/1979. I think I am less lucky as compared to others. Please help me. My life number is 9.

Does my name have birthdate numerology compatibility?

Reply by Kannan M

5 with numerology 9 is a very lucky combination. You should be proud to have these numbers. In spite of this you face bad luck means your name is wrong as per scientific name numerology.

I examined your name as per my scientific tests in my system of scientific name numerology. It has failed in most of the tests.

Jayalekshmi has a contrived spelling and it spells bad luck. It is a cooked up name. You should not insult Goddess Lakshmi by such incorrect spellings. She will not Bless you with good luck.

The overall name in numerology 3 robs all the lucky results of your numerology 5 with numerology 9.

Therefore your name is unlucky. It does not have the most essential birthdate numerology compatibility.

You have to correct your name if you really want to take advantage of your birthday numerology numbers.

You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in your particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.

The Big Difference

Other numerologists give names by blind belief by out dated bookish numerology. It is quite useless for you.

But we design our names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.

Hence you get sure luck and prosperity when you come to us.

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To Suit Name Numerology

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May 23, 2015
to correct my name NEW
by: Lovleen

My name is Lovleen. I also have a other name Saurav Kumar. My birthday is 20/06/1991. Do I need to change my spellings ? I want a Good Job in UPSC.

Oct 17, 2012
name compatibility NEW
by: pravin kumar

my name is pravin date of birth is 20th november,1990...can u tell me wat numerology tells bout me n also help me know whether my name is compatible with my birth date or not..and if not, pls suggest me the changes I need to make..

Jul 21, 2012
numbers 5 and 9 in name number 50 NEW
by: Anonymous

first name 23, and family name 27 total 50

is the name lucky?

is it lucky for 8 born with 7 lifepath?

is it still lucky even if Mars not favourable in birthchart?

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