Does Initial Matter In
Name Numerology
by Mahesh
As per name numerology, my son was born on 8th June 1997. His name is M.K.Karankumar. A local Numerologist told us to change his name as his name Karankumar adds to 8.
But along with initials his name comes to 32 or 5. We are confused very much. As he has to appear in his board examinations in this year, we are more worried. Please guide us.
Reply by Kannan M
If you study numerology well, you will know that initials also matter. The name numerology must be perfect in the initial part as well as the main name part as well as in its name component parts.
Karan has 'ran' which is negative numerology and kumar has two bad vibes in ku and in mar. Therefore whether you count the initials or not the whole name of your son is highly defective.
And the child will run into great difficulties when he becomes old. Know the correct numerology name meanings and act accordingly.
Better correct his name. You can do it from the contact page in this web site which applies modern techniques of vibes measurements..
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.