I am a fond reader of your name numerology site and I am hoping that you can help. My name and family name number calculation is 33 and my life number is 52. The day number is 18.
I got married recently and will have to change my second name. With my husband's family name and my first name, the calculation is now 49.
However I was thinking of using both, my maiden surname and my husbands surname which with my first name altogether gives 78. Which option is the best for me? To take only my husband's family name or use both mine and his?
Thank you very much. Mrs I.A.T.
Reply by Kannan M
It is a good question. You have to study the vibes in your own name and your husband's surname and many other factors before you decide. With your 9 and 7, and a defective name, you will dig your own downfall by your hasty actions and thoughtless decisions.
You must not agree for the new name if you find these effects when you combine the two names.
1. Your maiden name is defective
2. Your Husband's Surname is defective.
3. The combination of these two names is defective.
4. If there are negative vibes.
5. If the name does not suit your astrology.
It is better for you to approach a fully qualified person to design your name after marriage. It is dangerous to change it by yourself. It needs subtle calculations and other careful considerations to preserve your health, mental health, and happiness in married life.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
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