by ramesh
(kuala lumpur)
As per name numerology, my name is Ramesh, age: 30 born on 7 November 1980 at 5.25pm in Kuala Lumpur. Divorced unsuccessful person. Earn not much money and high temper. Is it because of my name or date. i have plans to get married. What should I do.
Reply by Kannan M
You have got 7 & 9 which is evil. It makes you do actions to ruin your own prospects. It can be corrected only by a perfect name.
As such your name Ramesh has a mesh in it to enmesh you, entangle you, imprison you, and tie you up, to prevent your progress.
Come out all these evil effects of 7 & 9 name numerology!
Correct your name and enjoy a pleasant life.
You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.
And one last request. Please, please, please, do not use writing short cuts like i for I, plz for please, u for you, ur for your, and Im for I am. I do not have the time to correct all your mistakes.
And when you begin a sentence or a proper name, kindly begin with the Capital letter. Do your full stops in the correct places. It will help me to answer your name numerology questions better.