Business Numerology Meanings For Name Number 14

Kannan M

Business Numerology

Business Numerology for No. 14 is highly fascinating. This No. Suits Well for Success of Your Business.

You've 1 & 4 in No. 14. 1 is Sun & 4 is Rahu. Both Equip You with the Talents for Business Success!

Sun gives you Drive & Initiative for Business & Rahu gives you The knowledge for Business Strategies.

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

When It Suits

As per Name numerology, If you are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th date in any month, or on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st, No. 14 will suit you well. If you've 1 or 4 as your Life No., Name No. 14 will suit you.

As per business numerology, If you've any other day or life No., Name No. 14 may or may not be correct. We have to measure the vibrations in your name, business
name, & its name parts, to find if it
suits you.

(1 & 4) & (4 & 1)

Business Numerology hails the merits of No. 14. 1 & 4 add to 5 or Mercury. Therefore, if your Day or Life No. is 5, Name No. 14 will suit you. And it suits you also if you've a combination of 1 & 4, or 4 & 1.

Name & Fame

As per numerology for business, if you have 1 & 4 or 4 & 1 in your birth date numerology, No. 14 gives you roaring success. Whatever business you do, you are successful. Your name and fame spreads every where.

Numerology Meanings say that if you have 14 in your business name, you'll find yourself amidst goods & clients. 14 Gives Power of Business Attraction. All your clients talk about you & spread your Name.

Brand In 14

As per numerology for business, you can even brand your goods in name number 14. This makes your brands fast moving. You follow this strategy in business to beat your competition brands in the market.

Business Numerology
Use Lucky Tips

As per name numerology, you have to use your lucky colors in your letter pad, logo, name boards, hoardings, and visiting cards. You have to follow your lucky dates and use your lucky gems. You must avoid the unlucky.

Numerology for business advises you to train your lucky numbers. Use them in your business. Use them to buy lucky gems. Find your lucky dates from lucky numbers. Tame unlucky numbers by avoiding them.

Always Busy

Business Numerology declares that 14 always keeps you busy. You keep moving from place to place. You meet all kinds of people in your business. Even at home, you often attend to phone calls & emails.

As per name numerology for 14, you trust people who are nice to you. You believe them & sell on credit. To start with, they pay you regularly. But as time passes, they start cheating. You've to note this point.

Role of Mercury

Numerology for Business says, it happens due to Mercury. He makes it difficult for you to hide your secrets. You reveal them to some very close persons. Later, when they turn against you, they betray you badly.

As per numerology meanings, they betray you if you've 8 or 7 in your Day or Life No. Though name numerology of 14 gives overwhelming business, you cannot run it all by yourself. You've to rely on others.

When Afflicted

Numerology for Business warns that negative vibes in your business name hurt your business. These come from negative words or letters in your name. You've to avoid this. Beware of 7 & 8 in your Name Parts.

As per numerology number meanings, 14 is ruled by Mercury & it makes you lose your focus too often. It prevents you from becoming No. 1 in business. Some times, your business suffers due to lack of attention.
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