As Per Numerology What Is
My Lucky Number 2 or 9?

by avinash thore
(igatpuri, Nashik,Maharashtra,India)

As per numerology I am born with 2 & 9. I was born on 20.10.1968 and my name is Avinash Thore. I observe that all important events in my life take place on No. 9.

My first vehicle got the number totalling to 9, even my marriage date total is 9, my name total is also 9, and my birthday total is 9. I think 9 is my lucky number. I believe on no. 9.

However I also like No. 2. I try to begin my planning from No. 2. If I have to take any decision I take it on the dates as 2,11,20,29 during the month.

If I propose any thing to any one I do it on the above 4 dates.

May I request you to please suggest what number is lucky for me? 2 or 9? Avinash Thore.

Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: A lucky numer in numerology becomes really lucky only with a perfect name. Born with 2 & 9, your 1st name is in 22 or 4.

As your day number is not compatible with 4 which is Rahu, and which devours moon the 2 in your day opposes your first name.

Nash is bad phonology. It denotes disaster. May be self invited or caused by enemies. This too has to be compensated and corrected. Then only you will get a perfect name.

Then only you must work out your lucky number, lucky days and lucky gems as per your new name. As such you can have a far better name. If you find 2 and 9 lucky go ahead and use them.

But this number combination allows you to earn a lot, but prevents you from enjoying your wealth. Therefore too, it is important that you have a really vibrant and very powerful name.

You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.

Dec 16, 2009

Numerology of 2 & 9
by: Gonzales

I have observed 2 and 9 create great people like Mahatma Gandhi. Even though he could have become the richest Indian, he spent his life as a mendicant. It is correct that 2 and 9 prevents you from enjoying your personal life.

Reply by Kannan M

I too am born under 2 & 9 numerology. My name Kannan M is most famous in the owrld and my site on name numerology is coing in the first page of Google too often by god's Grace. It is becaudse I have a perfect name.

Gandhi signed his name as MK Gandhi which comes in 25, most unlucky for a material and prosperous life. Hence he lived like a mendicant or beggar.

That is why I collect a minimum fee of 50 USD or Rs 2500 or even more depending on the level of perfection desired by you to correct your signature to match your aspirations.

A signature can be correct by 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 99 percent as per graphology in numerology. You pay according to your desired level of perfection and based on your financial capacity. You must know that a bad or evil signature will ruin your life and happiness.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name.

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My Lucky Number 2 or 9?

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Oct 29, 2015
As Per Numerology What Is My Lucky Number 2 or 9? NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jun 03, 2013
help NEW
by: afshan khan

my name is afshan khan and plz tell me what is my birth stone n lucky number my date of birth is 6.8.1986 day is wednsday 9 am is my birth time and plzce is karachi

Apr 30, 2013
numarology NEW
by: j raju

my name is raju what is my lucky numbar amd chainge my name

Dec 23, 2012
2 and 9 NEW
by: Chandan jana

Yes i m too 2 and 9 my name number is 32 means five.I hope this is not a great combination.All thing is good but my personal life is not good.I don't know how to overcome it.My dob is 2nd october 1977 and my name is chandan jana.

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