Advice On Name Numerology
by Pravin
(Bukit Mertajam,Penang,Malaysia)
As per name numerology, my birth name is PRAVIN SEGARAN. My date of birth is 07.05.1988. My day number is 7 and life number is 2. I feel very unlucky and I am not feeling successful as I should be.
Others are enjoying a good name for my hard toil, and people easily misunderstand me.
I'm living with quarrelsome parents and have few close friends. When I try my best to initiate something new, I find it hard to get support, and those who first criticize are those closest to me.
Hence I'm losing my own self-confidence and enthusiasm for life. Is this caused by the numbers 7 & 2?
I am confused between using my name with my initials (S.PRAVIN SEGARAN =46),my new name (S.A. PRAVIN SEGAR = 41), or just simply my first name (PRAVIN =23)?
Which name would be lucky for me? Or does other name have better prospects according to my day number & life number?
Reply By Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology
Your name has defective phonology. It means it is written in one way and pronounced in some other way. The starting initial P is unlucky for you. You did not confirm your name for bad vibes.
You have not checked it by astrological study. If you contact us for help, I shall study your name in all these aspects and remove the negative elements and give you a lucky vibrant name.
Or I shall design a perfect new name for you as per the rules of name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.